What Good Branding Can Do For You

If we were to put a group of small business owners in a room and ask them what good branding is, we would immediately get a list of examples. They would list companies like Apple, Target, Nike – Huge multinational corporations with locations all over the world, stock options, and billions of dollars in assets. When it comes to small business, most people look at these examples of “good branding” and just think it’s not for them – It’s for big companies with marketing teams and influencers. But if we were to ask them to define branding, we would get blank stares or answers all over the place.

Branding isn’t just logos and letterhead. Branding is actually better described as an emotional exchange. It is the way customers and clients feel when interacting with a company through websites, social media, in-person and every layer in between. Every business has a brand, whether they’re aware of it or not. A brand is built by a business’s audience with every interaction. Designers, photographers, and branding teams  like us lay a foundation for them to build on. Without the foundation of a brand identity, a company’s message can be inconsistent and out of control. Once control of a brand has been lost, it’s very hard to get back.

We understand that small business can feel like a footrace in cement shoes and creating a brand strategy is the last thing anyone is thinking about when the tasks are rolling in. In fact, this is something we understand more than most as a company made up of small business owners. The truth is, taking the time now to establish a brand identity and brand strategy will only help in the long run. Here are a just few things that a brand strategy can help businesses achieve:

Promote familiarity and recognition

People like to buy from businesses they are familiar with. Successful branding shows clients a company’s personality and helps connect with them on an emotional level, making people more likely to buy and refer their friends.

Sets you apart from the competition

While we have actually run into businesses that have no competition, this is extremely rare. We live in a world with options. Branding adds a layer of personality to a business that can help a customer choose between those options.

Helps make decisions

A company with a clear brand can use that brand to stay focused and make decisions about how they run their day to day business. If they know how they want to be perceived and how they want their clients to feel, small and large decisions become easier to make. This isn’t only for business owners but also for anyone they employ or plan to employ. Having a brand message keeps employees motivated and gives them direction.

Manages client expectations

There’s nothing worse than when everything goes right and a client still walks away unhappy. With clear focussed branding, businesses can help clients understand what to expect from them.

Guides marketing efforts and SAVES MONEY

This is the bottom line – The number one reason why small business choose to forgo professional branding is the cost. We get it, starting a new business is scary enough as it is and upfront costs can be high, making anything other than the bare necessities seem frivolous. However, branding helps guide marketing strategy and will save time and money in the end by eliminating costly advertising mistakes.

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